The Arts Are Alive and Well On Sanibel and Captiva Islands

Artists are a great bunch!  So relaxed, so pensive in the way they approach most everything.  Just a perfect fit for the island environment here on Sanibel and Captiva.

I think that is why there are so many artists and art-inspired activities on these islands, for young and old alike.  It is like putting a great chef in a well-stocked kitchen with every ingredient known to man and saying “Have at it!”  They are in heaven!

Here on Sanibel and Captiva, even if you’re not a “gourmet chef” (to stick with the analogy), we sure help you practice and become the best artist that you can be (in whatever art form you choose).

So, if you love the arts and you are moving to Sanibel Island, then you will be in for a real treat!

Below I have listed the websites of the different groups that you can peruse and find out how to get involved, even as a spectator, if that’s your thing.

Enjoy the beauty, soak it in and we’ll see you at the next sunset, paintbrush in hand!

San-Cap Art League

Sanibel Captiva Chamber

Big Arts Art Fair

Have a wonderful weekend,

Sandy and Robert

p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way through our entire website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  Enjoy!

History of Sanibel and Captiva Islands

Isn’t history fun?  I just love it and especially since I come from the north, the history of Florida and its pirate-infested waters and buccaneer battles for the beaches just fascinates me.

One thing that we did have in common in the north and the south is that the early settlers were Indians, the Calusas, as it were, settled here in southern Florida.

It seems that in 1513 a little known Spaniard by the name of Juan Ponce de Leon discovered our fair island (which was actually just one island until the hurricane of 1921 split it in two) and coined it Santa Isybella after Queen Isabella of Spain.  The Calusas fought hard to keep the island for the next 200 years but eventually died out in the late 1700s due to disease and battle.

In the early 1800s, legend has it that a renowned pirate, Jose Gaspar, inhabited the island and dubbed the far end as the “Isla de las Captivas” (which eventually became Captiva Island, as I’m sure you have already suspected).  He had built a prison and captured women as prisoners and held them there for ransom.

So many legends… So little time.  You can find the entire story right here on the Sanibel-Captiva website.

Come on down and experience the history for yourself!  We’ll be waiting…

Have a great weekend,

Sandy and Robert

p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way through our entire website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  Enjoy!

Sanibel Island Outdoor Light Ordinances

Well, it’s that time of year again, when the female loggerhead turtles make their way to our beutiful shores to lay their eggs every year.  The “turtle season” runs from May 1st – November 1st and everyone is on alert when stepping on the beaches in search of turtle nests.

So today I wanted to discuss a very important ordinance here on Sanibel and Captiva Islands and that is “Light Pollution” and the management of inland light such as street lights, business neon signs and even porch lights, traffic lights and the headlights of cars.

We don’t realize just how much light we generate in our modern towns and cities these days, but on our islands, there are strict rules and they must be abided by for the safety of our wildlife, namely the baby turtles that hatch on the beaches and instinctively wiggle their way toward light believing that they are being guided by the moon’s reflection on the water which will lead them safely to the sea.

However, it was discovered decades ago that the “man-made” lighting on the island was causing the hatchlings to wander toward the center of the island instead of toward the sea where many were killed by crossing the roads or being eaten by predators.

“The Environment Sector” of has a nice write-up on the legal ordinances for light pollution on our islands.  It lays it out clearly as to exactly what you need to do around your home to keep our island safe for all of its inhabitants and visitors.

Any comments you have on this issue can be discussed below in the comments section, feel free to jump right in!

That’s it for this week…

Until next post,

Sandy and Robert

p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way through our entire website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  Enjoy!

Architecture of Sanibel Island

Today I thought I’d touch on the exterior of the homes here on Sanibel and Captiva.  As one would expect, the construction of homes anywhere along the coast of Southern Florida needs to be pretty darn sturdy to stand up against the tropical storms (and the very occasional hurricane).

The materials used to build homes here are typically acquired from the region itself in keeping with the natural balance and appearance of the islands.  “Green”, meaning ecological, construction and architecture is also on the upswing, which is great to see!

What’s important for you as a home buyer on the islands is to evaluate several factors in the construction and architecture of the home you want to purchase.  Window or porch orientation (having your house face north, south, east or west) is one such factor. For example, if you prefer a sunrise or sunset view (Sanibel and Captiva have both due to the island’s orientation itself), or as another example, if you require trees surrounding the house on one side to block the coastal breezes.  There are many things to consider. This is just one of the long checklists that we go through with you when narrowing down exactly what you are looking for.

Lastly, one thing is for sure and that is, if you are planning to live on Sanibel or Captiva, you need to be comfortable with COLOR!  The folks here are very creative and enthusiastic about the bright color(s) of their home.  You will see mostly bright pastels, mixed and matched, you name it.  I guess it comes from seeing all of those colorful seashells and wanting our homes to blend in with the natural surroundings.  The photo above says it all.

Welcome home to colorful and cheery Sanibal and Captiva!

Have a great weekend…

Until next post,

Sandy and Robert

p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way through our entire website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  Enjoy!

Oh (J.N. “Ding”) Darling! Follow the Birds!

There are many incredible places to be found on this earth, for sure, but with 220+ different species of beautiful birds, the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge on our very own Sanibel Island, has to be unique to its own in all the world. It really is something to behold! Set on 6,400 massive acres of subtropical marshland, this wildlife sanctuary turns 63 years old this year thanks to the pioneering conservation efforts of one man… Jay Norwood “Ding” Darling, who fought to preserve this area and prevented it from being sold to land developers in the early 1940s. It was inaugurated in 1945 when Darling convinced President Harry Truman to sign an Executive Order designating it as a National Wildlife Refuge.

Today, everyone is grateful for his efforts, especially the lovely roseate spoonbills (pictured above), the blue herons, the willets and the sandpipers… (You didn’t think that I would name all 220+ species, did you? 🙂 ). We are all grateful to have this natural habitat within our own personal environment and to have the opportunity to experience the migratory and nesting patterns of so many unique and interesting creatures. I try so hard not to take it all for granted and tell myself as often as possible that those of us who live on Sanibel and Captiva Islands are truly blessed to be a part of something so special.

Of course, this diverse wildlife refuge houses many other animals as well, but today I wanted to focus on the birds, as many have already begun their trek north for the year and we’ve said our “goodbyes” and “Bon Voyages” to them until we see them again in November and December. Ahhh, the ebb and flow of life… Isn’t is amazing?

And so I trek on as well… migrating to my house to start my weekend!

Until next post,

Sandy and Robert

p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way through our entire website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  Enjoy!