Preparing For Hurricane Season on Sanibel Island

Is it already hurricane season again?  Gosh, time flies.  Well, just in case you’re reading this and you’re not from Florida, the hurricane season runs from June 1st to November 1st and people from Florida do not mess around when it comes to being prepared for any tropical storm, hurricane force or not.

Here are six important things to keep in mind in preparing for bad weather:

  • Always have at least 3 days of clean drinking water and non-perishable food available for every member of your family
  • Always have a good supply of cash stored away that can get you through the aftermath of the storm (ATMs don’t work if the electricity is knocked out)
  • Always keep the gas tank of your car relatively full during these months in case you need to leave the island quickly (gas pumps don’t work if the electricity is knocked out)
  • Always keep your most important papers and any photos or keepsakes in waterproof baggies and all in one place, so that you can find them easily and take them with you quickly without wasting any time searching for them
  • Always keep your eye on the weather report during these months
  • Never be a hero and try to “ride it out” when an evacuation has been called

Both Robert and I have seen our fair share of storms over the years, including Category 4 Hurricane Charley in 2004, but on the whole, it’s pretty rare to see a hurricane or major tropical storm on our southwest coast of Florida (thank goodness).

But, it’s always worth reminding people that Mother Nature doesn’t mess around and it’s important to be prepared for anything, sometimes at a moment’s notice.  Especially with today’s weird weather patterns, one never knows what to expect!

Here’s a handy link to the National Hurricane Center.

Ok, that’s enough for this week… have a nice weekend!

Until next post,

Sandy and Robert

p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way through our entire website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  Enjoy!

Sanibel Island Shake-Up

Well, it’s official, we will be moving offices at the end of June and officially changing our name to SanCap One Source Realty!  All’s well that ends well.  It’s been quite a month and Robert and I are excited to move on and get back to what we love doing the most… helping people buy and sell their homes.

Just in case you missed it in the Island Reporter, I’ve provided a link to the entire article right here for you at SanCap News.

Taking the high road is the name of the game for Robert and I and putting this in our rear-view mirror is the most important thing for our business.  We are excited about all of the new business decisions that we are about to embark upon and hope that you’ll join us for this wild ride.

Hold on and keep your tray table in the upright and locked position!  It’s going to be fun!  We’ll be keeping you posted right here on this blog, so stay tuned…

Have a great weekend,

Sandy and Robert

p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way through our entire website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  Enjoy!

World Class Shelling On Sanibel Island

You will not find any place on the planet with better shelling than Sanibel and Captiva Islands!

Yes, I am biased, I admit it, but if we are not #1, then we are at least in the top 3, that’s for sure.  Our competition is with Jeffreys Bay in Africa and the Sulu Archipelago in the Pacific.

Due to our unique east-west orientation and half-moon shape, the islands of Sanibal and Captiva are natural “nets” to catch all of the different shell species that make their way into the gulf, which is nearly 300 species and counting.

You also must check out the Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum on 3075 Sanibel-Captiva Road open 10-5pm every single day.  This masterpiece opened its doors to the public in 1995 and we are very proud to say that it is the only museum in the world dedicated solely to international seashell research.  It’s a must-see!

So, come along and join the obsession and perfect your “Sanibel Stoop” (without getting a crick in your back!), you will then be an official member of the Sanibel family.

Here are a couple of other nice links that I found that discuss the shelling on Sanibel.  One is even from our friends over at

Shelling at Sanibel – Martha Stewart

Sanibel – It Rhymes With Shell

Enjoy your weekend!

Sandy and Robert

p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way through our entire website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  Enjoy!

Home Improvements To Sell My Home On Sanibel Island

No matter if you are buying or selling a home on Sanibel or Captiva Island, the following checklist should prove helpful when considering your purchase, or trying to get more out of your selling price.

Lots of people assume that a fresh coat of paint or maybe slapping down some new carpet is just the trick that is needed to “get by” (or rather, “get away with”) when trying to “make improvements” to your home for mention to any potential buyer.  The broker can simply roll off their tongue when showing your home, “Yes, this home is classic and as you can see, ‘everything’ is new and updated…”  Buyer beware!

To begin, you want to look for a home that the owner has made the relatively small investment in the following home improvements:

  • properly fitted gutters
  • groomed fence, yard and greenery
  • nicely cared for deck/porch
  • fresh coat of outdoor weather-resistent paint
  • elimination of any drywall or foundational cracks
  • nicely cared for cabinetry and carpentry throughout the house and garage
  • all doors and locks open and close smoothly and comfortably

These are just a very few of the important things that you need to think about as you get organized to either buy or sell your home right here on the islands.

Questions?  Feel free to leave a comment below or head on over to our complete website at Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate to see what goodies we have waiting for you over there!  Enjoy!

Until next week,

Sandy and Robert