How Are You Spending Your Thanksgiving Holiday?

babyspaghettiOk, truth be told, I ate too much!

I just love Thanksgiving, don’t you?

I love helping prepare all the food and setting the table and watching everyone “dig in”… there’s just sonething about it.

As I originally hail from Chicago, you can imagine all the food piled up and all of us wearing our heavy sweaters as the first winter storm had already hit, and then after lunch plopping down on the sofa and getting a good spot to watch football for the rest of the afternoon in a near “food coma”.

Ahhh… Not on Sanibel Island.  Now, the only sweater I wear is when the air conditioning is too cold!  And I’ve got too much scenery outside to help me walk off my Thanksgiving feast, rather than keeping me inside to watch TV.

So, it’s true that life’s a little different here on the islands at Thanksgiving than it is in the North, but you know what, it’s still has the same message and that it is the one day of the year that we all Give Thanks!

So, thank YOU, dear reader, for reading along with Rob and I over the past few months and we hope that your holiday season has gotten started with a big bang…  Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Have a relaxing (rest of your) long weekend,

Rob and Sandy

p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way over to our main website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  See you soon!

Are You Reading the Sanibel-Captiva-Daily Blog?


So, are you reading the Sanibel-Captiva-Daily Blog every day?

Oh, you should be, because it is the absolute best way to stay current with the events and happenings taking place on Sanibel and Captiva Islands!

You will always find super fun local photos, learn some valuable “tips” on golf, cooking, pet care, etc and most importantly, network with some fantastic new people that you will learn about through the different activities being “reported” on through the blog.

It’s all in great fun and is providing a wonderful sense of community on the island!

Thanks Sanibel Captiva Daily –  We love you!

Have a great weekend!

Rob and Sandy

p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way over to our main website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  See you soon!

Blind Pass Dredging is a “Go”!

Blind Pass Dredging - Sanibel Island

Yes, it’s true!  They have finally begun work on the dredging of Blind Pass, Wulfert Channel and part of Roosevelt Channel.  Wow, this was a long time in coming, but it will all be finished in less than 6 months according to the contractors.

Well, we don’t have to tell you what this means, other than cleaner waters for all of the ecosytems and habitats in the area, more recreational activities for locals and tourists alike and most importantly for our real estate business, is the appreciation in land value now that the properties in the area will all have direct access to the Gulf of Mexico…  This is excellent and we are very excited!

If you are interested in finding out more, or if you want to follow along with the progress that they are making, you can visit the Lee County website for all of the details.

Hope you have a great weekend,

Rob and Sandy

p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way over to our main website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  See you soon!

Most Expensive Pair of “Free” Shoes…

runningshoesHey, does everyone know that we have a bit of a celebrity in our midst here on Sanibel Island?

I know, you’re probably thinking, “Only one?” and I would have to agree that Sanibel and Captiva are just full of creative, super-talented people, whether recognized “formally” or not.

But who I’m speaking of today is none other than our very own Derek Fell, now a contributing “illustrative artist/cartoonist” for the Sanibel-Captiva Islander.

Although Derek is extremely talented as an illustrator, he is also a visual genius in another area, and that is gardening and landscaping!  So much so that he’s written more than 60 books on the subject, most of which are listed on Amazon (if you’re interested).

Well, this leads me to the funny story behind the title of this post and that is, that Rob and I met Derek just shortly after he arrived to Sanibel a couple of years ago.  Rob had just purchased a new pair of running shoes and took off over lunch to break them in.

Upon returning, he complained that they were too small and that he couldn’t wear them comfortably and needed to now get a different “new” pair because these just wouldn’t work.

So, instead of tossing them in the trash (just kidding!) he decided to “donate” them to someone who had a smaller foot than he had and he placed them outside of our office on a ledge with a sign that read “If They Fit, They’re Yours”.

derekfellLo and behold, Mr. Derek Fell happened upon them and thought that it was a joke, so he brought them into our office and we struck up a conversation.  He was not actually out that day looking for real estate, but rather just popping into a neighboring coffee shop for a quick cup o’ coffee when he saw the shoes.

Well, one thing led to another and he actually was in the market for a new home on the island. He and his wife, Carolyn, were planning to spend winters on Sanibel away from Pennsylvania, where the couple is from originally.

Derek ended up purchasing a home though Rob and I and we still joke with him to this day that “Those were the most expensive pair of “free” shoes that you’ve ever acquired!”  We are so grateful for synchronicities, otherwise we wouldn’t have met our now friends, Derek and his lovely wife, nor learned of his gardening/landscaping talent.

Derek is the perfect example of someone settling in a new location and bringing so much value to the community as a result.  Now that’s what you call a “win-win” for everyone!

You can certainly google “Derek Fell” for all of his links, but at least here’s the link to his landscaping website to get you started.

Have a great weekend!

Rob and Sandy

p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way over to our main website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  See you soon!