“How To ‘Do’ Florida” Is Coming To Sanibel Island

How To Do Florida

Have you guys heard about this new TV program featuring fun 30-minute “how-to” segments on outdoors activities across Florida?

Great idea!

The name of the new show airing its first episode on May 3rd at 9:30 am on channel MY-65 Sunday Mornings is called:

“How To ‘Do’ Florida”

Pretty cool name, huh?  According to their press release, they have a great line-up scheduled, starting with the New Smyrna Beach area where they plan to provide their viewers with an entertaining way to kayak, shrimp and surf the area!

The main reason I’m bringing this to your attention, apart from the educational and fun factor that I think this show will provide, is that we, on Sanibel Island are scheduled to be featured on the show!!

Isn’t that great?  They plan to feature our shelling and our wildlife, among all the other outdoor possibilities that we offer!  Not sure exactly when yet, so you’ll have to keep an eye out on their website, which I provided a link to just below.

“How To Do Florida” is the brainchild of  Chad Crawford, a third-generation native Floridian, who owns and operates a full-service multimedia production company called The Crawford Group in Lake Mary, FL.   Chad produces the show and also will be hosting each episode!

Native Floridians and “Florida Transplants” alike need to become more aware of all of the wonderful possibilites that we have available to us right here in our very own state, so thank you Crawford Group for giving us the “backstage pass” to Florida

That’s it for this week…

Have you seen the cool new videos under the “Open at your own RISK” tab above?  You might want to check those out…  🙂

Have a great weekend,

Sandy and Rob

Blind Pass Is Half-Way There!

Blind Pass Dredging Project Update - March 5th

Yes, it’s that time again…

Your very own personal Blind Pass Dredging Project Update has arrived!

This report is from the period ending March 5th and there’s good news, they are slightly ahead of schedule and chugging away at 66% work efficiency!

It’s amazing the progress that they are making and the visible changes that are taking shape, just take a look at the photos below of the “before and after”… wow!

Here’s the link to the full PDF document to what you see below of the Blind Pass Dredging Update for March 5th, just in case you need to print it out or send it to someone.

Got any stories on the Dredging Project that you would like to share?  I’m sure everyone would love to hear them,  just click on the “Comments” link below and have at it…

Until next week, have a great one…

Rob and Sandy
p.s. Got some new listings over on our site at SanCap One Source Realty 😉

Blind Pass Dredging Project Update - March 5th

Blind Pass Dredging Project Update - March 5th

Blind Pass Dredging Project Update - March 5th

Blind Pass Dredging Project Update - March 5th

Sanibel Island Tides

Well, today I thought that it would be fun to talk about something that is so much a part of our daily lives here on Sanibel that we often take it for granted and don’t understand the amazing process that is happening right under our noses 4 times a day!

What I’m speaking about are the TIDES!

High tide, low tide, spring tide, neaf tide… how is your “tide knowledge”?

Do you know how our amazing oceans work or do you just say “Hey, at this time of day we can see and find more shells!”

Well, tides are fascinating, really, and I’ve found a couple of very interesting articles and even this fun and informative video above on exactly how the tides work!

As newcomers move to Sanibel and Captiva Islands, that is always a question that eventually arises (pun intended 🙂 ), so I thought it would be informative to address it here in our Sanibel Blog.

Below are 2 links:  the first one does a really good job of describing not only “Tides”, but also “Waves” and “Ocean Currents”… fascinating stuff!

And the second link is our local Sanibel Island Tide Data charted out for you in real time, which will show you exactly when to go perform “The Sanibel Stoop”!

And lastly, the video above is just plain fun!

So, that’s it for this week!

Have a great weekend,

Sandy and Rob

Sanibel Island – Red Flag Warning for Wildfire Danger

Sanibel Island Wildfire Alert

Hey all,

So sorry to beat a dead horse on this wildfire issue (see last week’s post), but it really is that important!

The State of Florida has now issued a “Red Flag” warning for Sanibel Island against the very high risk of wildfires that could occur.

We all know that it’s been super dry this winter and the winds and low humidity are certainly not helping the situation.  The prescribed fires (one was performed just 2 weeks ago, as you know) do help in the prevention of catastrophic damage to homes and wildlife, but we are all still at risk.

Our job is to be “smart” and pay attention to any potential fire hazards out there.

Keep an eye on tourists, as well, because they certainly are  not thinking about these types of issues while on vacation.  So, it’s important to mention it to them when possible to make them aware of the situation.

Here’s a local article from MySanibel.com that explains the situation perfectly…

Thanks for keeping your eyes peeled with regards to potential hazards and also for spreading the word to everyone you know on the island!

Have a great weekend,

Rob and Sandy