Sanibel Island Tides

Well, today I thought that it would be fun to talk about something that is so much a part of our daily lives here on Sanibel that we often take it for granted and don’t understand the amazing process that is happening right under our noses 4 times a day!

What I’m speaking about are the TIDES!

High tide, low tide, spring tide, neaf tide… how is your “tide knowledge”?

Do you know how our amazing oceans work or do you just say “Hey, at this time of day we can see and find more shells!”

Well, tides are fascinating, really, and I’ve found a couple of very interesting articles and even this fun and informative video above on exactly how the tides work!

As newcomers move to Sanibel and Captiva Islands, that is always a question that eventually arises (pun intended 🙂 ), so I thought it would be informative to address it here in our Sanibel Blog.

Below are 2 links:  the first one does a really good job of describing not only “Tides”, but also “Waves” and “Ocean Currents”… fascinating stuff!

And the second link is our local Sanibel Island Tide Data charted out for you in real time, which will show you exactly when to go perform “The Sanibel Stoop”!

And lastly, the video above is just plain fun!

So, that’s it for this week!

Have a great weekend,

Sandy and Rob

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