Attention: Amateur Photographers on Sanibel Island

"Ding" Darling Days Nature Photography Contest

Ready, Fire…Aim!

Your cameras, that is…

The Annual “Ding” Darling Days Nature Photography Contest is on and June 1st was the first day that entries could begin being submitted for consideration in winning one of top awards to be given out on Oct. 24th during the “Ding” Darling Days Celebration.  The final day for submissions is at 4pm on September 30th, so you have plenty of time!

All types of nature photos are being accepted.  The more interesting and original, obviously, the better.  But, judges will also be looking for technical expertise and creativity when they choose the winners.

There are no special requirements or age limits, only that the photos are, in actuality, taken by an amateur and not a professional.

We want a fair competition, after all.

You can read all about the submission details and contact information right here at this link for the “Ding” Days Photo Contest.

So, get out there and have fun with this…

Have a great weekend!

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Believe it or not, we are closing on several properties in these challenging times, head on over to our main site and check things out at SanCap One Source Realty

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