Blind Pass “Pole and Troll” Zone Ready on July 8th

Outboard Motor

As each day brings us closer to the finish of the long-awaited project of Dredging Blind Pass on July 10th, the J.N. “Ding” Darling NWR and Lee County officials will be drawing the boundaries in Wulfert Flats and setting up the buoys that will establish the new “Pole and Troll” zone for boaters to raise their outboard motors out of the water and proceed with caution.

You can read all the details from the past two weeks right here or download it if you would like:  Blind Pass Dredging Update

Blind Pass June17 Update1

Blind Pass June17 Update2

Blind Pass June17 Update3

For some reason, there was no fourth page this time?  Oh well…

Have a great week and we’ll see you on Friday!

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Our SanCap One Source Realty website awaits your visit… see you over there!

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