Hurricane Season Again Already?

Hurricane Season 2009Well, well, well…

Yes, I felt it was time again to remind everybody of the importance of being prepared for our annual storm season.

Even though money’s tight these days for everyone, we shouldn’t skimp on buying the things that truly could save our lives if the situation ever arises.

Five years ago, Rob and I, ourselves rode out Hurricane Charley and let me tell you, it was scary!

But, we were prepared, thank goodness, and therefore, no tragedy happened with us personally.

Below I’ve included the National Hurricane Center’s “Disaster Kit” List, as well as a video also showing things that you should always have at the ready.

Let’s all be safe this season and hopefully, we won’t even need to use it, but NOT having these items on hand is not a risk that I want to take…

Good Luck!!

Hurricane Preparedness Disaster List

Have a great last week of August,

Sandy and Rob
p.s.  You can also get some really great information at the site right here!

p.s.  SanCap One Source Real Estate Rocks!!

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