Which 1985 Horror Movie Was Filmed on Sanibel Island?

"Day of the Dead" - Rob Coscia is an ExtraJust in time for Halloween…

Do you remember the movie from 1985 called “Day of the Dead?”  It was the third installment of George Romero’s Horror trilogy that followed “Night of the Living Dead” and “Dawn of the Dead”… You can read more about it here at Day of the Dead.

Anyway, did you know that it was filmed in downtown Ft. Myers and right here on Sanibel Island?

It’s true.

We even have living proof in the fact that our very own Rob Coscia was an “extra” in the film!  He was a zombie and you can see him in the photo to the right immediately after they applied the makeup and were getting ready to shoot for the day… isn’t that funny?

So, you have to ask Rob next time you see him what it was like to be in a real Hollywood movie!

I just thought this was fun island trivia as we celebrate Halloween tomorrow…

So, have a fun Halloween weekend and don’t eat too much candy (oh, and watch out for any stray zombies out there, lol),

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  See you at the ‘Tween Waters Hallo’Tween Party tomorrow night… see last week’s post:  Hallo’Tween Party

p.s.s. SanCap One Source Realty rocks!! 🙂

Sanibel and Captiva Island: Get Ready To Hallow’Tween Party at ‘Tween Waters Inn!

Hallo'Tween Party - 'Tween Waters Inn - Captiva Island

Hey all,

I absolutely LOVE Halloween and I have a ball every year conjuring up the most creative costume that I can think of, to wear to the now “infamous” Hallo’Tween Party at ‘Tween Waters Inn on Captiva Island.  It’s the biggest adult Halloween party on Sanibel and Captiva!

This is one party I would never miss because it just keeps getting bigger and bigger every year (and more fun!)

I think more than 800 people showed up last year in the most amazing costumes and battled it out for cash prizes that were given out at midnight.  I don’t expect this year to be anything less than spectacular in its turnout…

It’s an adults-only night of dancing to great live music, food, games and outdoor beach fun, so do not miss out!

It all happens on Halloween night (Saturday, Oct. 31st), of course, starting at 8pm and runs until about 2am… The theme  this year is “VooDoo Island”

You can read more about all the details over at their website:

Tween Waters Inn Halloween Party

We look forward to seeing you there!

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Lots of great new deals over at SanCap One Source Realty, check ’em out…

What a Fun Week – Ding Darling Days Are Upon Us Again!

My apologies for getting this out so late to y’all, but if you follow me on Facebook (which you should – see button to the right) , then you know what a busy weekend it has been and preparing for it as well.

First, the wonderful success (despite said thunderstorm which tried to dampen our spirits) of the First Annual F.I.S.H. 10K Race on Saturday morning, which had a spectacular turnout of more than 300 runners!  Can you even believe it?  Wow!

Then we had the island benefit and live auction for Eric Vartdal, an amazing island resident with ALS, and Rob and I grabbed some great art at the live auction and we’re now looking where to put it.

Ding Darling Days 2009

But, this post is really about this upcoming week, Oct 18th-24th, featuring our famous Sanibel Island “Ding Darling Days” at our beautiful J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge, which is always a big hit on the island for locals and tourists alike!

Great wildlife tours, free outdoor events, including free admission to the Ding Darling Visitor’s Center, free hot dogs and a whole lot more… Come one, come all!

You can read all about it right here:  Ding Darling Days 2009

Hope to see you all there,

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  SanCap  One Source still rocks, come by and see us!

The 24th Annual BaileyFest 2009 on Sanibel Island

BaileyFest 2009 Sanibel Island

Well, you know that I’m always one to tell you about events that take place for a good cause and Bailey’s Center is once again this year hosting its 24th Annual “BaileyFest” on October 25th from 1pm-4pm.

Who benefits?  The non-profit organizations C.R.O.W., F.I.S.H. and the Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation, that’s who…  🙂

There will be live music, food and drink, as well as lots of family activities such as an inflatable slide, a dunk tank, mini-golf and mule rides just to name a few.

You need to get registered before October 23rd for the more than $1700 in prizes being given out by the Bailey’s Center Merchants Association members…

Lots of great stuff to win, so hurry!

You can read more about it right here:  BaileyFest 2009

See ya’ there!

Have a great weekend,

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Don’t forget about the Sanibel 10K Race 4 F.I.S.H. next weekend on Oct 17th… there’s still time to register!!!

p.s.s.  Also don’t forget to check out our new listings over at SanCap One Source Realty

Sanibel Island Goes Hollywood!

Sandbars To Sanibel Short Film

Woo hoo!   We’re gonna be famous… We’re gonna be famous!

The reason that I’m so excited is because one our friends, Rusty Farst, over at Video Biography, LLC has created a fun little short film for the big screen about Sanibel Island called “Sandbars To Sanibel”.

Filmed entirely on the island, Rusty and his crew set out to show a historical perspective of the modern Sanibel Island that we all know and love today.

The official unveiling of this “straight-from-the-heart” project will be at Big Arts on November 12th, 2009 during the Celebrate Sanibel Festivities with a big red carpet event and everything!  I can’t wait!!

However, Rusty and his team will be having a screening at the Island Cinema in October to raise the funds necessary to bring this homegrown “gem” to the public. So, we sure hope that you can come along and help out…

And guess what?  You can see the actual trailer below……..  So, enjoy and be sure to leave your comments below to tell what you reeeally think!!

Have a great weekend,

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  SanCap One Source loves a good movie flick, especially when it hits so close to home… Thanks Rusty for all of your efforts!  🙂