Sanibel Seashells By the Seashore – Say That 10 Times!

Well, you can’t go too long between posts about Seashells on Sanibel Island because they are such an icon of who we are and one of our many “claims to fame”!

Sanibel Island is, after all, the third best shelling location in the WORLD (after Sulu Islands, Phillipines and Jeffries Bay, South Africa) and there are many tourists who come to Sanibel for the sole purpose of searching for, finding, and then, photographing and writing about our colorful and creative “delights”…

One such person is “Pam” who has done such a fabulous job in documenting our shells that I just HAD to share it with you!  You can find her different sites at Seashells from Sanibel Island and Seashells by Millhill.  Really, really great stuff, so be sure to check out her different sites!

In the meantime, I thought that I would clip up a poster in the photos below that I have on my wall and let you see for yourself the many different types of gorgeous shells that can be found here… (Thank you Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum for the great poster and I apologize for having to clip off some of the shells in the photos to get them to fit properly…)

Enjoy and have a great upcoming (short) week,

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Even though it’s the holidays, SanCap One Source is still “on-call” for those of you trying to sneak in a good deal when everyone else is taking time off.  So give us a call, we’re around… 🙂

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