The Hammerheads on Sanibel Island ROCK!

Photo Courtesy of

OK, it’s time we pay tribute to a special group of volunteers right here on Sanibel Island called The Hammerheads!

The Hammerheads are a small group of men consisting of Harry Bertossa, Demo Scutakes, George McKinnell, Wally Kain, Sandy Montclar, Les Forney, Sam Bailey and Dean Skaugstad that volunteer over at the Sanibel Historical Museum and Village. These steady-handed, clear-minded, open-hearted (shall I go on…  🙂 ) men should make us all proud!

Because it is through their efforts that ALL of the boardwalks at the Museum and Village have been replaced with environmentally-friendly Trex Lumber for the safety of all who visit our beautiful historical site…

Needless to say, you must get out there to 950 Dunlop Road and see their handywork, it’s really somethin’!!

You can read more about Sanibel Historical Museum and Village right here or, of course, you can always refer back to the post I wrote to you on April 16th called “A Walk Down Memory Lane” right here in this blog…

Thanks Hammerheads!  We love you!

Have a great weekend,

Sandy and Rob

p.s. Sanibel Island Beach Homes – Come and get ’em!

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