Sanibel Island Icon, Sam Bailey, Has Passed Away

Photo courtesy of

A sad day for Sanibel Island… as the news spreads of the passing of a legend, Mr. Sam Bailey.

Born and raised on Sanibel before there was even a causeway connecting the island to the mainland, Sam Bailey has championed this beautiful area of Florida for more than 70 years!

He and his three brothers all worked at the Old Bailey Store, carrying on the family business that began in 1899.  One of the oldest establishments on the island (and all of Southwest Florida, for that matter), the Old Bailey Store is still in business to this day and is currently located at 2477 Periwinkle Way.

“Sanibel Sam”, as he was known, has a very rich and meaningful story, from his days of playing pro-football for the Boston Yanks in the now-defunct AFL, to his head football coaching and athletic director duties at University of Tampa for 60 years!  His interests in the historical preservation of Sanibel Island’s treasures has transformed the island to what it is today.

Nothing will ever be the same on Sanibel without Sam Bailey.

Services will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 2, at the Sanibel Historical Village, 950 Dunlap Road, in tribute to the original location of Old Bailey’s General Store way back in 1899.

A huge wave of gratitude goes out to Sam and the entire Bailey family for their contributions to our personal livelihood today on Sanibel Island…

We hope to see you all at the service to honor and respect this great man…

Thanks for reading and have a very nice weekend,

Sandy and Rob

p.s. Sanibel Beach Homes

Create a Facebook Business Page for Your Sanibel Island Business

Hey guys,

Not sure how many of you out there are on Facebook, but I thought I would share a very quick video with you that will help you get more customers in the door to buy your “stuff”, whatever it is that you’re sellin’… these pages work great for just about any type of business, especially restaurants, outdoor activities, events, fundraising, whatever it may be… 🙂

We LOVE Facebook and have met a ton of people from our Business/Fan Page.  As of this writing, we have 819 “Fans” and that changes every day!  You can see our page right here at SanCap One Source Realty

Take a peek at this quick and easy video to set up your own Business Page and then you can start seeing some action too!  It’s really easy (and fun!)

Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Sanibel Island Beach Homes For Sale

Sanibel Island’s F.I.S.H. 10K Run For Good Cause

Yep, that’s right, the Second Annual F.I.S.H. 10K Run is coming up soon and we sure wouldn’t want you to miss it!

“Friends in Service Here (F.I.S.H.)” is a non-profit, volunteer organization that helps those in need on Sanibel and Captiva Islands and this year’s fundraising event is sure to be a big hit after seeing the turn out last year.

Over 500 runners from all over are scheduled to take off running at 7:30am on Saturday, October 16th.  Are you registered yet?

It’s great fun and it’s for a really great cause, so make sure you head over to the Sanibel Community Center, even if you’re not running, to experience the Expo and help cheer on the participants!

Oh, I almost forgot, if you’re coming from out of town, the Kona Kai Hotel located at 1539 Periwinkle Way, (239) 472-1001, will be offering a special rate of only $79/night if you mention the F.I.S.H 10K… Ya gotta love discounts!  😉

You can get more information at the Runner’s World website here:  Sanibel F.I.S.H. 10K Run

Hope to see you there!

Have a great weekend,

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Sanibel Beach Homes

The “Meaning of Life” on Sanibel Island and Everywhere!

Hey all,

I think this is a little off the beaten path of my normal posts every week, but I just couldn’t resist sharing this wonderful little video that truly made my day!

Inspiration, hope and love never hurt anybody… Enjoy it and pass it along to your friends if you’d like, it’s a sweet message worth sharing…

This blog also tracks directly over to our SanCap One Source Realty Facebook page…

Feel free to join us there as well, we’d love to have ya!

Have a great weekend!

Sandy and Rob

SanCap One Source connects you with great Sanibel Beach Homes