Put Your Sanibel Shopping Shoes On… Black Friday is Upon Us!

Soooo, apart from preparing all the great recipes I left you last week, are you ready for the “day after” when the shops all lure us through their doors with the best sales of the year?

I know I am!  No one knows how to save money better than me!

My problem this year is in the choosing of just the right gift for each person, so as to make it really special and not just something meaningless (and probably too expensive) that has some wrapping paper slapped on it.

I’m going for sentimentality and fun this year… What about you?

How long is your holiday list of people to buy for?  Mine’s decent, not too short, not too long…

I really enjoy this time of year… the energy in the air… everyone’s moods are racheted up a notch (which is always nice!) and the anticipation of good food, good friends and family… and good FOOTBALL!  🙂

So, have a wonderful Thanksgiving this week and some well-deserved time off and I’ll probably see you shopping on Friday!

Enjoy and don’t eat too much,

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Still lots of great homes available, if you, or someone you know, are/is looking… check them out over at Sanibel Beach Homes

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