Our Story

Helping Real People with all their Real Estate needs

Your Real Team on Sanibel and Captiva Islands

It’s always fun to peek into the lives of the people that you work with; just to get to know them a little bit better and see what things you may have in common, their work style, their hobbies, a little about their background, etc…

Picked up the Baton

Robert has lived on the island for the past 30 years owning several successful island businesses, before changing course and making the natural transition of becoming a real estate broker. We would venture to say that he knows just about everybody on the island and with his big smile and active community involvement, practically everyone knows him as well!

As just mentioned, it was only natural that he dive into real estate after having been raised in Brooklyn where he and his father were very successful in this arena all of their lives. So he “picked up the baton” and carried on the family tradition, albeit in one of the most beautiful places on earth. (He often jokes that it was quite a bit harder for he and his dad to buy and sell homes in Brooklyn than it is for him now in Sanibel/Captiva… hmmm, what do you think?)

Hit the Ground Running

Sandy, on the other hand, “hit the ground running”. Oh boy!

Originally from Chicago, she relocated to southern Florida in 1981, where she worked for 17 years as a certified land planner for local government and civil engineering firms. Upon receiving her Real Estate License, she’s now having the time of her life putting all of her organizational and people skills to work on the many new clients that she’s helped.

Sandy met Robert on a diving expedition 5 years ago and they’ve been best friends ever since…  Over the years, they’ve also found that they are very complementary to each others’ business skills, each bringing great talent and compassion to their profession.

Therefore, the writing was on the wall and it made perfect sense to partner and form a real estate business together. They opened their SanCap One Source Realty office next to the Sanibel Bean in mid-2006 and have never looked back.

Call or email us today with your long list of questions (we know you have them)… and also, a quick thanks to you just for stopping by!

2 Responses to “Our Story”

  1. lisa comer Says:

    Could you give some information on the Captiva Hideaway Condo’s? and the surrounding area?

  2. Parham Baker Says:

    I know Sandy as a friend and fellow scuba diver, fellow sushi lover, and fellow lover of great “shots” (Sandy’s a great photographer.. has the “eye”) She is a wonderfully outgoing, fun, expert, and meticulous person!

    I know this team, Rob and Sandy, as the truly consumate professionals they are. They intimately understand not only the market in Sanibel/Captiva, but truly understand that marketing.. or buying… a home in todays world is different than it was even 5, heck, even one, year ago! It takes both expertises.

    I do consulting and marketing development work across the nation for real estate agents focused on internet marketing and social media, and teach high focus classes on these as well. I am a computer, internet, and Social Media expert withover 30 years experience!

    Sandy and Rob taught ME alot! And they hold a number of great “secrets” in internet marketing that well, are powerful but held close kinda like the recipe for Coca Cola. I’ve seen their techniques WORK!

    Great People, Expert in the area and field…

    Call em!!!

    I am confident you will get the results that my clients get, in no small part to what Rob and Sandy taught me. And what they do for their clients!!!

    BTW, this comment will come as a surprise to them. It was completely unsolicited, and posted as a thank you for what they taught me!

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