Southwest Florida Christmas Fun with the Snowbirds

Yep, it’s Christmas…  I can’t hardly believe it!

Well, I thought I would share some holiday cheer (and some definite laughs) this year by sharing a light-hearted video about our beloved “snowbirds” that descend upon Florida over the holidays to get out of that VERY chilly weather up north…

So, sit back and have a chuckle and Rob and I want to wish all of our faithful readers a very Happy Holiday and hope that Santa brings you everything that you asked for…

Until next week… Ho! Ho! Ho!

Sandy and Rob

p.s. What about a new home under the tree?  LOL  Visit Sanibel Beach Homes to see if it will “fit”…

The Luminary Festival on Sanibel and Captiva Gets Better Every Year!

Photo courtesy of

Goin’ 26 years strong, Sanibel and Captiva Islands continue to delight locals and tourists alike, with one of the most anticipated events of the year – The Annual Luminary Festival!

Starting at dusk this Friday evening, Dec. 3rd, on Sanibel Island (specifically Periwinkle Way), this family-friendly, trail of lights “joyfest” will kick off… with a repeat performance the following evening, Dec. 4th, on Captiva Island (specifically in The Village).

The purpose of this great event has evolved over the years… starting out in the late ’80s as a way to keep the islands in the forefront of peoples’ minds as a “true holiday destination” in between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday dates, when it tended to get pretty quiet on the islands and local businesses’ coffers got pretty low.

As the years went by, the festival evolved and expanded into a full-blown “excuse” for tourists to plan to be there in order to experience the beauty of the islands all lit up and glowing, in addition to taking part in a real “tight community” atmosphere that personifies locals supporting local businesses and the truest sense of comradery.  The islands shine with personality during this festival and show anyone lucky enough to be there, exactly how great it is to live on and be a part of the Sanibel and Captiva “family”.

Three miles of paper lanterns will light the way to beautiful storefronts, live music and great food!  Don’t miss out because it really is a once-a-year festivity well worth the wait!

If you’re interested (as I was) in the history of this unique event, you can read more about it right here:  History of the Sanibel-Captiva Island Luminary Festival

We will see you there, no doubt…

Have a great week,

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Home sales ARE happening… check out Sanibel Beach Homes

Put Your Sanibel Shopping Shoes On… Black Friday is Upon Us!

Soooo, apart from preparing all the great recipes I left you last week, are you ready for the “day after” when the shops all lure us through their doors with the best sales of the year?

I know I am!  No one knows how to save money better than me!

My problem this year is in the choosing of just the right gift for each person, so as to make it really special and not just something meaningless (and probably too expensive) that has some wrapping paper slapped on it.

I’m going for sentimentality and fun this year… What about you?

How long is your holiday list of people to buy for?  Mine’s decent, not too short, not too long…

I really enjoy this time of year… the energy in the air… everyone’s moods are racheted up a notch (which is always nice!) and the anticipation of good food, good friends and family… and good FOOTBALL!  🙂

So, have a wonderful Thanksgiving this week and some well-deserved time off and I’ll probably see you shopping on Friday!

Enjoy and don’t eat too much,

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Still lots of great homes available, if you, or someone you know, are/is looking… check them out over at Sanibel Beach Homes

Are You Ready for Another Great Halloween on Sanibel and Captiva Islands?


Halloween is such a great party on Sanibel and Captiva!

And nothing tops Captiva Island’s ‘Tween Waters Inn party each and every year… Around 800 very creative folks (adults only) get all dressed up in the best costumes known to man to compete for the top prize and it is unbelievable just how great some of these costumes really are… 🙂

As you can see in the photo above, Rob was a fanciful Dr. Seuss last year and I was a curly-haired pirate girl! Fun stuff!!

We had a great time and are really looking forward to tomorrow night (SATURDAY!) when we will surprise you all with our latest inventive disguises…

Remember, the party is on Saturday night, the 30th, this year, rather than on Halloween night itself, from 8pm until 2am with a cost of $15 at the door, so don’t be late!

You can get all the details here:  Tween Waters Inn Halloween Party 2010

Be sure to track down Rob and I to say “HI” and if you mention this post, we have a free gift for you in our office next week!!

Can’t wait to see you there!!

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  SanCap One Source Realty is always on your side!

The “Meaning of Life” on Sanibel Island and Everywhere!

Hey all,

I think this is a little off the beaten path of my normal posts every week, but I just couldn’t resist sharing this wonderful little video that truly made my day!

Inspiration, hope and love never hurt anybody… Enjoy it and pass it along to your friends if you’d like, it’s a sweet message worth sharing…

This blog also tracks directly over to our SanCap One Source Realty Facebook page…

Feel free to join us there as well, we’d love to have ya!

Have a great weekend!

Sandy and Rob

SanCap One Source connects you with great Sanibel Beach Homes

Ellington’s Jazz Club and Restaurant – Sanibel Island

Great food!  Great Jazz!

You just can’t beat Ellington’s when it comes to atmosphere… and there are plenty of folks to testify to this fact as they return week and week soaking it all up!

Apart from the incredible food, the entertainment gives New Orleans a serious run for its money! 🙂

Right now, Danny Sinoff and his crew of three or four starts around 7pm and runs a few sets until just after 11pm… Every Night!  (except Monday…)

So, are you up for it?

You will probably see Rob or I there because we LOVE this place!

Get your VIP status card and save some money (see left)…

Have a great weekend,

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Yep, lots of great homes for sale for those looking for investments or great deals… SanCap One Source Realty