Will Remodeling Help Sell Your Home Faster?

Kitchen Makeover - Sanibel Island Real Estate

There’s a saying in the real estate world that the “kitchen and bathrooms” sell the home!

Hmmm, is that so…

In that case, it makes perfect sense to focus on making them look their best by doing some very simple, and relatively inexpensive, things like replacing door handles, sink handles, floor boards or carpet and repainting.  This has been the “modus operandus” for years.

However, as we all know, it is getting a little bit tougher these days (but far from dire) as the markets continue to try and scare us out of our wits!

Now, more than ever, sellers need to stand out of the crowd and make their property outshine all the rest because the buyers are definitely still out there!

So, how do you do that?

What we’ve seen is some beautiful makeovers, particularly kitchen and bath makeovers, that are great talking points for prospective buyers, as well as “a shiny new look” in what could be a somewhat aging home.

There are many examples on the island of just how effective it is in selling your home quicker when you invest in a partial or multi-room makeover.

One of the best outfits on Sanibel Island to assist you and show you some great examples of home makeovers is Jonathon Tongyai over at Island Styles Remodeling.  Jonathon and his team will be able to help you make sense of exactly what would benefit you in the sale of your home without overspending on unnecessary detail.

Give Jonathon a call and if you don’t have your home listed yet, then give us a call and we’ll take your home “to the moon” as far as exposure to targeted buyers!  😉

That’s it for this week…

Have a great weekend!

Sandy and Rob

p.s.   Access the Sanibel/Captiva MLS Search right here on our main website… Sanibel Island MLS Listings

Home Improvements To Sell My Home On Sanibel Island

No matter if you are buying or selling a home on Sanibel or Captiva Island, the following checklist should prove helpful when considering your purchase, or trying to get more out of your selling price.

Lots of people assume that a fresh coat of paint or maybe slapping down some new carpet is just the trick that is needed to “get by” (or rather, “get away with”) when trying to “make improvements” to your home for mention to any potential buyer.  The broker can simply roll off their tongue when showing your home, “Yes, this home is classic and as you can see, ‘everything’ is new and updated…”  Buyer beware!

To begin, you want to look for a home that the owner has made the relatively small investment in the following home improvements:

  • properly fitted gutters
  • groomed fence, yard and greenery
  • nicely cared for deck/porch
  • fresh coat of outdoor weather-resistent paint
  • elimination of any drywall or foundational cracks
  • nicely cared for cabinetry and carpentry throughout the house and garage
  • all doors and locks open and close smoothly and comfortably

These are just a very few of the important things that you need to think about as you get organized to either buy or sell your home right here on the islands.

Questions?  Feel free to leave a comment below or head on over to our complete website at Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate to see what goodies we have waiting for you over there!  Enjoy!

Until next week,

Sandy and Robert