Sanibel and Captiva Islands – What Are They Really Like?

There are many websites dedicated to Sanibel and Captiva Island, but from our long-term, local perspective to someone wanting to possibly relocate here permanently, invest here, or even only spend part of the year here, we feel that it is so important to realize that “living” on these islands is different than anything that you’ve every experienced before… anywhere!

It sounds so clichĂ©, but it’s true. You will see sunsets as if for the first time. You will begin to notice animals, birds and plants as if they were foreign in your previous city or town. The silence… the profound silence and the sound of the waves will leave you speechless. And when you start speaking of different shades of blues or different shades of greens, then you will realize that you have become a true islander and breathe a deep sigh.

Sanibel and Captiva Island are full of life! People don’t mope around depressed or “unfulfilled”, the energy in the air is intoxicating. The community activities, the great schools, the outdoor excursions to keep one in physical and mental shape, and of course the beaches, are beyond words that anyone could ever write…

We welcome you to our islands. We are here for you if you need a local to show you around, or you just need someone to call and answer your questions. Beyond real estate, we are pretty helpful neighbors, as well.

Look forward to your reaching out…

Until next post,

Robert and Sandy

p.s. Almost forgot to remind you to have a great week and don’t forget to leave a comment below! 🙂

p.s.s. Found the incredible video above on YouTube that sums up everything that words could not reach in my text… Pictures and music are much better tools… Enjoy this lovely 3:50 minute tribute to Sanibel!

p.s.s.s.  Also, don’t forget to make your way through our entire website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  Enjoy!