Fishermen Seeking Sanibel Island Home Deals

If you are a die-hard fisherman and you don’t live on Sanibel or Captiva Island, then what are you waiting for?

Homes couldn’t be better priced… ummm, can you say “serious buyers’ market”?  There is great inventory and, as you know, interest rates are at all-time lows.

Over this past two weeks, including the long 4th weekend, our resident “Fisherman Reporter”, Captain Bill Russell, reports that fabulous catches are being snagged early morning, before the heat and thunderstorms set in.  This summer’s been a hot one so far.

Tarpon season may be ending, but they are still plentiful, alongside 20+ inch trout, redfish, bluefish and Spanish mackerel… Amazing!

You can read all about it here: Hot Days, Few Anglers, Good Fishing

So, if you’ve been pondering a move to this one-of-a-kind fishing paradise, Sanibel and Captiva, then stop making excuses and hop on it.  We’re just a quick and friendly phone call away!

Have a great weekend,

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Your Sanibel Beach Home Awaits…

Captiva and Sanibel Voted #8 on Barron’s List of Building a Second Home

Build Second Home on Captiva IslandOk, take it for what it’s worth, but it seems that Barron’s magazine has voted us into the Top 10 locations in the U.S. for building a second home.

It quotes our median home price as being $3.5 million, but that seems a bit high for me, especially working directly with homeowners every day, and the likes of a home in that price range are few and far between.

I’m going to check our MLS numbers this week and update this post with our actual numbers, but I would probably say off the top of my head that our median home price on the Islands is more around $1-$1.5 million of late.  We’ve seen a few for more than that price range, but the median range is probably somewhere in there.

So, I guess we’re in the right spot for the future, if people should want to come and build/invest here…  but, then again, we already knew that, right?  🙂

So, have a super weekend and we’ll catch up with you next week!

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  We have deals in ALL price ranges if you stop by our website at SanCap One Source today!

More Florida Tourists Are Making Their Way To Sanibel Island

Sanibel Island Vacations

Yes, it’s true.  With the economy the way it is and with everyone pulling in the strings a bit, one fact remains, and that is that people still need a break from their routine in the form of a vacation, or even a mini-vacation.

So, the obvious choice for most Floridians is to see what else this great state of Florida has to offer its residents by taking a short or medium drive to somewhere they’ve never been.

Good news for us here on Sanibel and Captiva because our reputation precedes us when it comes to people looking for a fun, action-packed (or super relaxed) mini-vacation experience.

We have so much to offer people that they cannot find anywhere else, such as one of the world’s top 3 shelling locations, an incredible wildlife preserve including all of our turtle nests and one-of-a-kind bird-watching, not to mention our great land and fishing excursions.

Top restaurants, great local music scene and super friendly residents make for the perfect escape!

Now, let’s just hope that some of them love it so much that they want to move here or invest here and buy a beautiful house from Rob and I!!  😉

Have a great long Labor Day weekend and we’ll see you next week,

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  SanCap One Source Realty is on  the move for YOU!

Softer Real Estate Market on Sanibel and Captiva Islands?

You would not believe how many times a week Robert and I are asked about the “health” of the real estate market here on Sanibel and Captiva.

The truth of the matter is that prices have softened a bit, but not much!

Relative to all of Florida Real Estate and particularly in Southern Florida, we are doing pretty darn good and I’ve got the proof in the pudding to show you!

Real Estate Sales on Sanibel and Captiva Islands


In the top half of the chart above, you can see that the price of Residential Homes have dipped a tad, especially as you look at the SP:LP ratio (Sales Price:List Price Ratio) going down from 93% to 91% from 2007 to 2008 when the recession kicked into full gear!  Two percent is not too shabby when looking at the rest of the Florida and more so, the entire country, which is in the 5-25% range!

As you can see, condos have also softened a bit, a little more than residential, going from 93% to 88.75% from 2007 to 2008.

The last column for both sections is also very telling, in that, you can see that it’s taking longer to sell each property with the average “Days On Market (DOM)” going from around 6 months (180 days) to around 8-9 months (248-278 days).

The good news is that interest rates are at an all-time low, which could be a great opportunity for the right buyer/investor.

Also, as people need to sell a property for whatever reason;  health, moving, need to invest in another venture, etc.,  it certainly never hurts to make an offer on a property that you like.  You just never know…. Times are such that the situation may work out in your favor based on the circumstances, so it never hurts to ask or make an offer!

Ok, that’s it for this week…

Hope you have a great weekend,

Rob and Sandy
p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way over to our main website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  See you soon!




December “Blind Pass” Update – Sanibel and Captiva Islands

Blind Pass Dredging - Sanibel Captiva Islands - SanCap One Source Realty

As promised, we want to update those folks following the Blind Pass Dredging Project on Sanibel and Captiva Islands.  We realize that this is a rare “Wednesday” post for us, but we thought of no better way to say good-bye to 2008 than to look forward to the new projects that will benefit everyone in 2009 and beyond!

As you will read below, there’s lots of activity in the area, and despite some mechanical slow-downs, great progress is being made!

I’ve included screenshots of the actual December report, page by page, just in case you were not able to download it.  But, there is definitely a link at the bottom of this post allowing you to download the entire document in PDF format if you so choose to, for your own personal use.

Here you go…

Blind Pass Dredging Update

Blind Pass Dredging Update - December 2008Blind Pass Dredging Update - December 2008Blind Pass Dredging Update - December 2008

Here’s the Blind Pass Project Update link to download the above information in a PDF document.

Also, here’s the link to our original post on Blind Pass written on Nov. 14th

Robert and I want to thank you for a great year!

We’re both very excited for all of the events of 2009 to unfold and we look forward to seeing you on the “Islands”.

Happy New Year to you!!  🙂

Robert and Sandy

Blind Pass Dredging is a “Go”!

Blind Pass Dredging - Sanibel Island

Yes, it’s true!  They have finally begun work on the dredging of Blind Pass, Wulfert Channel and part of Roosevelt Channel.  Wow, this was a long time in coming, but it will all be finished in less than 6 months according to the contractors.

Well, we don’t have to tell you what this means, other than cleaner waters for all of the ecosytems and habitats in the area, more recreational activities for locals and tourists alike and most importantly for our real estate business, is the appreciation in land value now that the properties in the area will all have direct access to the Gulf of Mexico…  This is excellent and we are very excited!

If you are interested in finding out more, or if you want to follow along with the progress that they are making, you can visit the Lee County website for all of the details.

Hope you have a great weekend,

Rob and Sandy

p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way over to our main website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  See you soon!

From Wall St. To Sanibel Island?

Does anyone actually believe that the world is coming to an end with all of this “financial crisis” talk?

I certainly hope not because as it turns out in the economic cycles of this planet, it is quite normal and we all just need to roll with the punches until we get through this…

Now, that’s not to say that some people are not losing money on the stock market or that many people that purchased their homes with a subprime mortgage are not suffering as they foreclose on their home, but it is to say that not every market is being hit as hard as the naysayers would like you to believe and those that have the financial means are obviously in a great position to take advantage and grab some real deals.

Sanibel and Captiva Islands are two places where real estate has always held its value and weathered many a storm, figuratively, as well as literally.

Foreigners are now discovering this magical place and swooping in to buy up what actually does come available, once again proving that beachfront property is always in demand.

We are seeing a lot of inquiries from abroad, which is interesting because this financial debacle is not only in the US, but global as well, yet investors everywhere are realizing where the “diamonds” are and wanting in on the action.

I hope that you are ok through all of this mess and please know that if you need any help on Sanibel or Captiva Islands, you can call Rob or I at anytime.

Until next week, have a great weekend,


p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way over to our main website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  See you soon!

Are There Still Real Estate Deals on Sanibel and Captiva Islands?

Deals On Sanibel Island

What a question, right?  Are there real estate “deals” on these islands, are you kidding me?

First of all, let’s define “deal”.  Sanibel and Captiva Islands cannot be lumped into this whole real estate mess that’s going on right now across the country for several reasons.

First, the mortgage crisis occurring does not apply to nearly 70% (or more) of the buyers/investors on Sanibel and Captiva.  These savvy home buyers are not here to “flip” properties or take out a huge mortgage, they have the cash to purchase and the majority of them are purchasing second homes and wouldn’t give them up for anything.

Secondly, real estate crises occur when there is a glut of “inventory” (too many homes on the market or many new homes/high-rises/etc being built and not as many homes being sold).  In the case of Sanibel and Captiva, 95% of the island is developed and due to very strict environmental rules that were established to prevent over-building on the islands, there will never be enough homes for all of the people wanting to purchase here.

Bottom line:  Any investment on these islands will survive (and thrive) through any economic downturn that could possibly happen.  Why?  Because oceanfront property is scarce and precious.  There is nowhere in the world like Sanibel and Captiva Islands.  We know it and so do all the folks who have invested here.  So, if you are looking to live or invest on Sanibel or Captiva, any purchase is a real “deal”!

Any questions, don’t hesitate to call us!  You can find us over at our full website at Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate.  See you soon!

Until next week,

Sandy and Robert