Baby Turtles Find Their Way Home

There is nothing sweeter than to have the chance to watch a baby turtle hatch and make his way to the ocean.  This nearly always takes place at night, but as you can see in the video, it can occassionally happen during the day as well.

This year has been an exceptionally successful year for sea turtle nests on Sanibel beaches, with more than 300 active nests to date.  This is also good news for future nesting (albeit over the next hundred or so years, mind you) because female loggerhead turtles always return to nest on the beaches that they were born.

Another incredible fact that I found over at this nifty article at the Sanibel Advisor is that the temperature of the sand determines the sex of the turtle hatchling, with warmer sand producing females and cooler sand producing males.  Isn’t that wild?

The best sites on Sanibel Island to learn about and follow the activities surrounding our loggerhead turtles are the TurtleTime folks and the San-Cap Conservation Foundation group, they are both incredible in their efforts and we take our hat off to them!  Thanks guys!

Well, that’s it for this week…  Oh, here’s another beauty for you!

Have a good one,

Sandy and Robert

p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way over to our main website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  See you soon!