Sneak Some Website Search Tips on Captiva Island

Hey guys,

This post is a little out of left field, but not really.

I wanted to make you aware of a pretty nifty conference coming to Captiva Island in about a month and I wanted to give you time to think about either registering yourself or strategizing on exactly how to meet the people who actually do register and attend and “sneaking” some really great tips out of them (maybe at the hotel bar or even just out and about around Captiva over this weekend 🙂 ).

The conference is the Search Insider Summit to be held at the South Seas Resort on Captiva Island from April 14-17 and it will bring some of the brightest minds in web business to our fair islands.

Now, I will warn you that anyone can attend, however it’s pretty darn expensive at $2500 per person!

But, if you have a business (and let’s face it, most of us do!) and you are looking for more customers to therefore, make more money (let’s face it, most of us want that!) then there may be an opportunity to meet some people “in passing” and chat about what they do and explain your business and what your website goals are, and get some good ideas…

Hey, it’s a thought…

I know it may be a bit too “techy” to attend, but it’s never too late to learn something new to help you get more business and customers via your website…

I’m still contemplating whether to attend or not… actually snagging some tips over conversation and a drink at the South Seas hotel bar sounds like a lot more fun!  😉

Either way, a toast to all of our websites and web businesses!

Have a great week,

Sandy and Rob

p.s. Sanibel Island Real Estate at any budget level!