Have We Got an Incentive for YOU!

Well, we’ve been announcing this everywhere, all over the island, so I figured that I better make a note of it here as well!

If you haven’t already heard, Rob and I are super excited about an incentive program that we are coordinating with the amazing Congress Jewelers, right here on the island.

We’ve never done this before, so we are truly open to your feedback on just how great this program is, not only with regards to the “luxury” component, but also the intimacy that we hope is implied in searching for, picking out and LOVING something that is very special and personal in your life.  Jewelry always gives someone that feeling and what we are trying to convey is that buying a home on Sanibel or Captiva will give you that same feeling, but on steroids!

What can be more personal and intimate than a comfortable home that you fall in love with and purchase?

Do call us for all the juicy details because we are not sure how long we can run this program, although we know it will run through February to be sure, which is our high season.

We look forward to your thoughts!

Have a great week,

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  We’re also updating our website… any comments on our OLD website over at SanCap One Source Realty ?