Dancing With Sanibel Island’s Stars!!

The hottest ticket on the island is “Dancing with the Island’s Stars”!

So did you grab your tickets before they sold-out?

The official event is tomorrow night, Saturday, January 23rd, but the dress rehearsal is also selling (cheaper) tickets for tonight, if there are still any available…

The purpose of this star-studded event is to raise funds for the renovation and update of the  “Meeting Place on Sanibel Island”, which is, of course, The Sanibel Community House!

So, your vote counts!!

Hope you can make it to the event 🙂

Have a great weekend!

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Don’t forget to check out our latest listings at SanCap One Source Realty, they will knock your socks off!

Dancing For a Great Cause on Sanibel Island!

Forget about all the famous people on TV dancing their hearts out every week and take a look right here in our very own backyard on Sanibel Island!

Yes, the Sanibel Community House is sponsoring a “Dancing with the Islands’ Stars” event on January 23, 2010 to raise funds for the 81-year-old non-profit organization that has given (and continues to give) so much to the Sanibel Community.

You can read all about it over at their website:  Sanibel Community House

Plus, you will also see this highly entertaining video on their site!!  Loved it!  🙂

That’s it for this week!

Have a great weekend,

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Don’t forget us over at SanCapOne Source Realty