Cold on Sanibel Island?

Fish Struggling with Freezing Temps on Sanibel Island Well this has been quite a month for weather, wouldn’t you say?

I don’t ever remember it being this cold down here… and one group that is not liking these frigid temps at all are the fish, particularly snook!

We are seeing huge numbers of dead fish floating onto shore, and even floating dead in some of the canals, which our marine biologists tell us is due to the fish becoming “dormant” when their water turns so cold and then forgetting to eat and therefore, they die… well, that doesn’t happen to me, I eat more when I get cold!  🙂

But, one positive note in the “circle of life” is that the birds are having a feast on the dead fish, which is also thought to be keeping them alive in these chilly temps by eating more.  And so life goes…

It turns out that this is happening all over Southwest Florida, but it’s particularly disturbing when it starts affecting local “treasures” such as the probable death due to freezing temps of our 30+ year old female American Crocodile.  Really sad!  At 12-ft long and 300 pounds, she was found dead on a trail along the Sanibel River.

Well, I’m just glad that things are starting to warm up again and getting somewhat “back to normal”… this truly has been a strange winter “weather-wise” for everyone it seems…

What are your thoughts?  How are you staying warm?

Have a great weekend,

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Got some great deals over at SanCap One Source Realty… no, seriously, some really great deals!  🙂