Hurricane Season Again Already?

Hurricane Season 2009Well, well, well…

Yes, I felt it was time again to remind everybody of the importance of being prepared for our annual storm season.

Even though money’s tight these days for everyone, we shouldn’t skimp on buying the things that truly could save our lives if the situation ever arises.

Five years ago, Rob and I, ourselves rode out Hurricane Charley and let me tell you, it was scary!

But, we were prepared, thank goodness, and therefore, no tragedy happened with us personally.

Below I’ve included the National Hurricane Center’s “Disaster Kit” List, as well as a video also showing things that you should always have at the ready.

Let’s all be safe this season and hopefully, we won’t even need to use it, but NOT having these items on hand is not a risk that I want to take…

Good Luck!!

Hurricane Preparedness Disaster List

Have a great last week of August,

Sandy and Rob
p.s.  You can also get some really great information at the site right here!

p.s.  SanCap One Source Real Estate Rocks!!

Preparing For Hurricane Season on Sanibel Island

Is it already hurricane season again?  Gosh, time flies.  Well, just in case you’re reading this and you’re not from Florida, the hurricane season runs from June 1st to November 1st and people from Florida do not mess around when it comes to being prepared for any tropical storm, hurricane force or not.

Here are six important things to keep in mind in preparing for bad weather:

  • Always have at least 3 days of clean drinking water and non-perishable food available for every member of your family
  • Always have a good supply of cash stored away that can get you through the aftermath of the storm (ATMs don’t work if the electricity is knocked out)
  • Always keep the gas tank of your car relatively full during these months in case you need to leave the island quickly (gas pumps don’t work if the electricity is knocked out)
  • Always keep your most important papers and any photos or keepsakes in waterproof baggies and all in one place, so that you can find them easily and take them with you quickly without wasting any time searching for them
  • Always keep your eye on the weather report during these months
  • Never be a hero and try to “ride it out” when an evacuation has been called

Both Robert and I have seen our fair share of storms over the years, including Category 4 Hurricane Charley in 2004, but on the whole, it’s pretty rare to see a hurricane or major tropical storm on our southwest coast of Florida (thank goodness).

But, it’s always worth reminding people that Mother Nature doesn’t mess around and it’s important to be prepared for anything, sometimes at a moment’s notice.  Especially with today’s weird weather patterns, one never knows what to expect!

Here’s a handy link to the National Hurricane Center.

Ok, that’s enough for this week… have a nice weekend!

Until next post,

Sandy and Robert

p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way through our entire website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  Enjoy!