Sanibel Island Outdoor Light Ordinances

Well, it’s that time of year again, when the female loggerhead turtles make their way to our beutiful shores to lay their eggs every year.  The “turtle season” runs from May 1st – November 1st and everyone is on alert when stepping on the beaches in search of turtle nests.

So today I wanted to discuss a very important ordinance here on Sanibel and Captiva Islands and that is “Light Pollution” and the management of inland light such as street lights, business neon signs and even porch lights, traffic lights and the headlights of cars.

We don’t realize just how much light we generate in our modern towns and cities these days, but on our islands, there are strict rules and they must be abided by for the safety of our wildlife, namely the baby turtles that hatch on the beaches and instinctively wiggle their way toward light believing that they are being guided by the moon’s reflection on the water which will lead them safely to the sea.

However, it was discovered decades ago that the “man-made” lighting on the island was causing the hatchlings to wander toward the center of the island instead of toward the sea where many were killed by crossing the roads or being eaten by predators.

“The Environment Sector” of has a nice write-up on the legal ordinances for light pollution on our islands.  It lays it out clearly as to exactly what you need to do around your home to keep our island safe for all of its inhabitants and visitors.

Any comments you have on this issue can be discussed below in the comments section, feel free to jump right in!

That’s it for this week…

Until next post,

Sandy and Robert

p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way through our entire website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  Enjoy!