Sanibel Island Inspiration – Theodore (Ted) Cross

Photo Courtesy of Jeff Klinkenberg and

Update to the post below:

It is with great sadness to inform you, that on Sunday, Feb 28th, Ted Cross passed away at the age of 86 in Ft. Myers, FL.   The post below written just one week ago is a timely reminder of a great man and just how much Sanibel will miss him.  Our condolences go out to Ted’s family and friends and we thank you, Ted, for all of your great contributions to our islands and to the world!   You can read the NY Times article about Ted right here.

Hey all,

Today I thought we should put the spotlight on a very special winter resident on Sanibel Island – Theodore (Ted) Cross!

An amazing photographer that has a great story to tell and even better photos to show… a true genius behind the lens!

There is a beautifully written story about him on by Jeff Klinkenberg detailing his life and quite profound thoughts on birds, photography and travel.  I think everyone can glean something from reading about Ted and his life.

I know it’s cliche to say that “Everyone has a story to tell”… but some stories truly need to be told.

Ted Cross is one of those people and we thank Jeff Klinkenberg for doing such a great job in telling it!   Thanks Jeff!

So, head over to read the entire article and get ready to be inspired!

Make it a great week,

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Check out the entire article about Theodore Cross’ interesting life and thoughts right here... and check out all the great properties that we have available over at our site:  SanCap One Source Realty