Captiva and Sanibel Voted #8 on Barron’s List of Building a Second Home

Build Second Home on Captiva IslandOk, take it for what it’s worth, but it seems that Barron’s magazine has voted us into the Top 10 locations in the U.S. for building a second home.

It quotes our median home price as being $3.5 million, but that seems a bit high for me, especially working directly with homeowners every day, and the likes of a home in that price range are few and far between.

I’m going to check our MLS numbers this week and update this post with our actual numbers, but I would probably say off the top of my head that our median home price on the Islands is more around $1-$1.5 million of late.  We’ve seen a few for more than that price range, but the median range is probably somewhere in there.

So, I guess we’re in the right spot for the future, if people should want to come and build/invest here…  but, then again, we already knew that, right?  🙂

So, have a super weekend and we’ll catch up with you next week!

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  We have deals in ALL price ranges if you stop by our website at SanCap One Source today!