Who Doesn’t Absolutely Love Doc Ford’s Rum Bar and Grille on Sanibel Island?

Well, I for one, LOVE Doc Ford’s and tell everyone I can, to stop by and enjoy the great food and fun atmosphere!

We have a lot of great places to eat on Sanibel Island, but Doc Ford’s is always a crowd pleaser with a very loyal following, especially for the college football games…

Located on 975 Rabbit Road and open 7 days a week, this local jaunt is all the buzz come game time.

So come on out and enjoy the really wonderful menu offered well within your budget, and don’t forget to bring your friends!

You can visit the Doc Ford’s website here to view the entire menu and some cool photos, as well as follow their blog at Doc Ford’s Blog

We will definitely see you there!

Have a great weekend,

Sandy and Rob

p.s. Sanibel Beach Homes

Dancing With Sanibel Island’s Stars!!

The hottest ticket on the island is “Dancing with the Island’s Stars”!

So did you grab your tickets before they sold-out?

The official event is tomorrow night, Saturday, January 23rd, but the dress rehearsal is also selling (cheaper) tickets for tonight, if there are still any available…

The purpose of this star-studded event is to raise funds for the renovation and update of the  “Meeting Place on Sanibel Island”, which is, of course, The Sanibel Community House!

So, your vote counts!!

Hope you can make it to the event 🙂

Have a great weekend!

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Don’t forget to check out our latest listings at SanCap One Source Realty, they will knock your socks off!

The 1st Annual Sanibel 10K Race 4 F.I.S.H. is ON!

Sandy and Rob Half-Marathon in Chicago

Wow, what a week… I apologize for getting this out late, but Rob’s 91-year-old father passed away this week and services were held, so time just slipped away from me…

Well, on a happier note, I am very excited to report that Rob and I are a tad more “famous” these days after being approached to help sponsor an incredible charity event for the F.I.S.H. organization right here on Sanibel Island.

F.I.S.H. stands for “Friends In Service Here” and they are a non-profit organization that provides all different types of charitable assistance to those in need here on the islands.

As you know, Rob and I love to run and have participated in several races over the years, including just finishing a half-marathon in Chicago last month.

Well, we got together with Joel Soobitsky who is a F.I.S.H. board member and he suggested that we do a 10K race as a fundraiser with them due to the fact that their client base is increasing as this economy is starting to weigh on people and their finances.

We agreed that it was a great idea and that set the wheels in motion… it’s now expected that the “Sanibel 10K Race 4 F.I.S.H.” is to be an annual event!

We are excited to be joining all the other sponsors who have signed up as well:

  • Mike Valiquette of Sandcastle General Construction
  • SanCap Trust
  • Over Easy Cafe
  • Bank of the Islands
  • Island Cow
  • Island Pharmacy
  • Doc Fords
  • Baileys
  • Sanibel Sea Shells
  • C.C. Caldwell
  • Quick Print
  • Bob Kern
  • Randon Eddy

See what can happen when great people get together!  🙂

The date is coming up soon on Oct. 17th with formal registration ending on Oct. 10th, so hurry and get your registration in and start training… we can’t wait to see you there!!!

You can read all the juicy details right here:

Runners Get the Chance To Race in Charitable 10K Event On Island

Ok, that’s it for now, have a great upcoming week!

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Sanibel Island Real Estate

More Florida Tourists Are Making Their Way To Sanibel Island

Sanibel Island Vacations

Yes, it’s true.  With the economy the way it is and with everyone pulling in the strings a bit, one fact remains, and that is that people still need a break from their routine in the form of a vacation, or even a mini-vacation.

So, the obvious choice for most Floridians is to see what else this great state of Florida has to offer its residents by taking a short or medium drive to somewhere they’ve never been.

Good news for us here on Sanibel and Captiva because our reputation precedes us when it comes to people looking for a fun, action-packed (or super relaxed) mini-vacation experience.

We have so much to offer people that they cannot find anywhere else, such as one of the world’s top 3 shelling locations, an incredible wildlife preserve including all of our turtle nests and one-of-a-kind bird-watching, not to mention our great land and fishing excursions.

Top restaurants, great local music scene and super friendly residents make for the perfect escape!

Now, let’s just hope that some of them love it so much that they want to move here or invest here and buy a beautiful house from Rob and I!!  😉

Have a great long Labor Day weekend and we’ll see you next week,

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  SanCap One Source Realty is on  the move for YOU!

Attention: Amateur Photographers on Sanibel Island

"Ding" Darling Days Nature Photography Contest

Ready, Fire…Aim!

Your cameras, that is…

The Annual “Ding” Darling Days Nature Photography Contest is on and June 1st was the first day that entries could begin being submitted for consideration in winning one of top awards to be given out on Oct. 24th during the “Ding” Darling Days Celebration.  The final day for submissions is at 4pm on September 30th, so you have plenty of time!

All types of nature photos are being accepted.  The more interesting and original, obviously, the better.  But, judges will also be looking for technical expertise and creativity when they choose the winners.

There are no special requirements or age limits, only that the photos are, in actuality, taken by an amateur and not a professional.

We want a fair competition, after all.

You can read all about the submission details and contact information right here at this link for the “Ding” Days Photo Contest.

So, get out there and have fun with this…

Have a great weekend!

Sandy and Rob

p.s.  Believe it or not, we are closing on several properties in these challenging times, head on over to our main site and check things out at SanCap One Source Realty

Blind Pass Dredging Project Nears Completion

Blind Pass Completion - Sanibel Captiva Islands

Well, we are not out of the woods just yet, but as each week goes by, more and more progress and improvement can be seen on Blind Pass.

It’s been awhile since the last update, and more than likely it was because there was a slow-down in dredging the Gulf due to two weeks of heavy waves at the end of April.

But, fortunately, the crew took full advantage of the “downtime” and was able to haul all of the non-beach compatible “debris” away to be disposed of… so, actually, no real time was lost at all.

The good news is that they are right on schedule and expect to make their “beginning of July” deadline for completion, which is amazing considering all that had to be done!

So, they are in the last stretch and will probably only have one more update, which of course, we will bring you as soon as it is available!

You can check all the juicy details of the full report below, or download it right here if you would prefer at Blind Pass Dredging May Update:

Blind Pass Dredging May 5th Update

Blind Pass Dredging May 5th Update

Blind Pass Dredging May 5th Update

Blind Pass Dredging May 5th Update

Have a great weekend!

Rob and Sandy

p.s.  Got some new listings…. have you seen them?  No?  Well, you can check them out over at our main site at SanCap One Source Realty…  Enjoy!

Blind Pass Is Half-Way There!

Blind Pass Dredging Project Update - March 5th

Yes, it’s that time again…

Your very own personal Blind Pass Dredging Project Update has arrived!

This report is from the period ending March 5th and there’s good news, they are slightly ahead of schedule and chugging away at 66% work efficiency!

It’s amazing the progress that they are making and the visible changes that are taking shape, just take a look at the photos below of the “before and after”… wow!

Here’s the link to the full PDF document to what you see below of the Blind Pass Dredging Update for March 5th, just in case you need to print it out or send it to someone.

Got any stories on the Dredging Project that you would like to share?  I’m sure everyone would love to hear them,  just click on the “Comments” link below and have at it…

Until next week, have a great one…

Rob and Sandy
p.s. Got some new listings over on our site at SanCap One Source Realty 😉

Blind Pass Dredging Project Update - March 5th

Blind Pass Dredging Project Update - March 5th

Blind Pass Dredging Project Update - March 5th

Blind Pass Dredging Project Update - March 5th

Where is Santa Now?

If you’ve ever wondered where Santa Claus hangs out as the elves are preparing the gifts and loading up the sleigh for his long Christmas journey, well wonder no further…

Santa hangs out on Sanibel Island… soaking up the rays!

Santa Claus on Sanibel Island Beach

If you are spending Christmas on Sanibel or Captiva Islands, you can find Santa in the most unlikely of places, he tends to just pop up here and there at different restaurants and shops often unannounced.  We think that he likes the element of surprise in his visitors’ faces!

Well, Rob and I wish you the happiest of Christmas’ and hope that you are sharing this wonderful time of the year with family and friends.

We all have a lot to be thankful for this year and we want to thank you, dear reader, for reading along with us each and every week!

Enjoy a relaxing Christmas week,

Rob and Sandy
p.s.  Don’t forget to make your way over to our main website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  See you soon!

Let the Games Begin… Our First Blog!

Your Real Team for Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate

Well, we did it!

Robert and I finally got our butts in gear and got this blog off the ground and we are SO excited to post every week and tell you everything that we can think of to help you get to know this entire area and exactly what it’s like to live here on these beautiful islands.

Our goal with this blog is to cover a lot of different topics to help paint the picture of what Sanibel and Captiva Island are all about. We will address things like our beaches, our fantastic shelling, our local businesses, island “culture”, some of the different housing types and neighborhoods, great family activities, local real estate investing conditions and much more.

We look forward to all of your comments, especially if any locals are reading and can add to our posts with their own thoughts and experiences, that would be great!

For now, we’ll leave it at that and look forward to next week with some great new info for you!

Have a great week and welcome to our new communication outlet… 🙂

Robert and Sandy

p.s. To leave a comment on this post, simply press the “Comment” link just below… Comment away!!

p.s.s.  Don’t forget to make your way through our entire website for all of your Sanibel and Captiva Island Real Estate needs.  Enjoy!